As a private, independent accrediting agency, the Accrediting Alliance for Training & Development (AATD) specializes in the accreditation of universities, training institutes, corporate universities, training departments, training professionals, coaches and performance consultants. AATD was founded 1978 and is managed by ITD International.

Credentials for HRD ProfessionalsACCREDITATION
AATD accreditation is a status granted to institutions and individuals who meet or exceed the stated criteria of educational quality. The purpose of accreditation is to foster quality, integrity and excellence in training and development worldwide through research, education, competency-based quality standards and criteria and guidelines for assessing educational effectiveness.
Quality Assurance for ProgramsCERTIFICATION
The primary objective of AATD’s Program Certification is to serve HRD Professionals by providing quality assurance for their programs in the form of a Quality Seal. Receiving certification for a training program, coaching or consulting system is a major accomplishment for training institutes, training departments, corporate universities, trainers, coaches and consultants.

Excellence in Training & DevelopmentSTANDARDS
Standards of Excellence in the development of learning, training, coaching and consulting programs and systems serve as a road map to recognize the leader in the Human Resources Development (HRD) field. Standards of Excellence criteria apply to all competency-based or computer-driven learning/training/coaching und consulting program or system in print or digital.